
Balkachew Nigatu Tizita Abraham Geremew Negash



Uterine rupture is an obstetric emergency and which is associated with high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. It commonly occurs in uterus with one or more previous scar but is rare in unscarred uterus and especially without labor. The researcher presents a case of fundal uterine rapture in a 35 years old grand multipara who present with abdominal pain of 24 hours’ duration. But she has no history of pushing down pain (labor) and no history of trauma. Intraoperative finding showed fundal uterine rupture with a freshly dead baby free in the peritoneal cavity and total abdominal hysterectomy was done.

Keyword: Uterine fundus, rupture



(Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health 2018;10:65-69)




Case Report

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