Editorial Policy
- General
The Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health (EJRH) mainly publishes original articles and case reports, as well as review articles, commentaries, special issues and editorials, when deemed necessary. EJRH takes an interest in researches on the subjects of obstetrics, gynecology, sexual and reproductive health, women’s health, adolescent’s health and others of related topic. All submissions go through a double blind peer-review processes by at least two subject specialists to maintain the quality of published manuscripts. Any submission is evaluated against the journal’s provisions, as detailed further below, before it is shared with reviewers. Submissions that meet all expectations of content and structure will go through a series of review processes before publication.
- Conflicts of interest
When manuscripts are shared with reviewers, any personal identifiers of author(s) are removed. When invited to review an article, reviewers are requested to disclose any suspected conflicts of interest, which may include financial interest, history of joint publication, and personal disagreement with the author/s and so on. Invited reviewers are expected to fill in disclosure statements and decline to review papers they identify when and if they suspect a potential conflict of interest.
- Funding statement
Authors are expected to provide relevant information on funding sources and if such sources, or the author, author’s family members, or author’s institution, have any affiliation to the research outcome.
- Ethical Statement
All submissions should specify whether the research has gone through an ethical clearance process, including by whom, when and the clearance number. In addition, it should be clearly stated whether the research participants were made aware of the research and consented to their participation in it.
- Plagiarism Statement
The Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health (EJRH) does not tolerate any form of plagiarism. Authors are expected to provide a plagiarism report on a PDF along with their submission, stating not more than 15% of the text in a paper is not attributed to the original author, or quotes that are not attributed to original source. The journal may take legal action for serious cases of more than 25%.
- Copyright
EJRH owns copyright of published manuscripts. Corresponding authors should communicate of disagreement of this procedure, if they have one. Corresponding authors are also expected to communicate the Copy Right Article with all authors and earn full agreement on the matter.
While communication with the journal is through the corresponding author, all authors’ contributions should be indicated at the end of the manuscript, while copyright agreement is expected to be signed by all authors or by the corresponding author on behalf of other co-authors. All co-authors are notified of the status of the manuscript throughout the publication process.