Editorial Team
Wondimu Gudu (MD, MPH)
St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College
Email: editorinchief@ejrh.org
Associate Editors
Eyasu Mesfin (MD): College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University; Email: eyasumk@gmail.com
Demissew Amenu (MD): Jimma University; Email: demisame5@gmail.com
Ferid Abbas (MD, MPH): St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College; Email: ferid.abas@sphmmc.edu.et
Journal Manager
Negussie Boti (BSc., MPH): Arba Minch University; Email: journalmanager@ejrh.org
Editorial Board Members:
Malede Birara; St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College; Email: maledebirara@yahoo.co.uk
Hale Teka (MD): Mekelle University, Ayder Hospital; halemumsa@gmail.com
Kidist L. Gizachew, (MD, MPH,); St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College; Email: tadelemmakidist@gmail.com
Melese Gezahegn (MD, Ob/Gyn, URPS); School of Medicine at Arsi University, Asella Ethiopia; Email: get.melese@gmail.com
Temesgen Tilahun (MD); Institute of Health Sciences, Wallaga University; Email: ttamuko@yahoo.com/
Netsanet Belete (PhD): Ministry of Health; netsanetb2009@gmail.com
Managing Editor
Addisu Deresse (BA): Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG); Email: managingeditor@ejrh.org
Editorial Advisory Committee:
1. Professor Yifru Birhan
2. Professor Delayehu Bekele
3. Dr. Ahmed Abdella
4. Professor Yemane Berehane
5. Professor Sarah Prager
6. Professor Mirgissa Kaba
7. Professor Frank A. Chervenak:
8. Professor Amos Grunebaum
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