
TIZITA ABRAHAM BASHA Abdulfetah Abdulkadir


Partial molar pregnancy is a rare entity in which there is usually abnormal fetus associated with a large placenta with cystic changes. The incidence of a normal fetus at is extremely rare. Here we report a 24-yearold primigravid with gestational age of 39 weeks + five days who present with decrease fetal movement of three days. Ultrasound was done and there was normally appearing fetus, but no measurable fluid. Other biophysical parameters were reassuring. The whole placenta had snow storm appearance and enlarged. Cesarean section was done for the indication of sever oligohydraminosis with unfavorable bishop with the outcome of 2.2 kg alive female neonate with APGAR score of seven and eight in the first and fifth minute respectively. The placenta was sent for histopathology and report as partial hydatidiform mole.



Case Report

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