Spontaneous Rupture of an Unscarred Non-Laboring Gravid Uterus at Term: A Case Report


  • Tafese Dejene




uterine rupture, unscarred uterus, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, intrauterine fetal death


Background: Rupture of the pregnant uterus is life-threatening for the mother and fetus. Most ruptures occur in women who have had a previous transmyometrial surgical incision, typically for cesarean delivery. Rupture of the unscarred uterus is rare, but the incidence is increasing. It is associated with higher major maternal and neonatal morbidity than cases of rupture of the scarred uterus.

  Case presentation: Here we presented a case of 36 years old gravida 4 para3  presented at gestational age of 38 weeks  with vomiting of ingested matter mixed with blood and abdominal pain of 12 hours and, initially diagnosed to have Placenta previa, severe anemia secondary to acute blood loss secondary to upper gastrointestinal bleeding, Intrauterine fetal death. Finally diagnosed to have uterine rupture and total abdominal hysterectomy done.

  Conclusion: A high index of suspicion is needed in pregnant patients presenting with sudden onset of abdominal pain so as not to miss uterine rupture and its complications.



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How to Cite

Dejene, T. (2022). Spontaneous Rupture of an Unscarred Non-Laboring Gravid Uterus at Term: A Case Report. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health, 14(2), 5. https://doi.org/10.69614/ejrh.v14i2.417