Vol. 13 No. 4 (2021): EJRH Volume 13 No. 4

Original Articles:
The Clinical Management of Rape in Yaoundé-Cameroon: A Descriptive Study
Case Report:
Original Articles:
The Clinical Management of Rape in Yaoundé-Cameroon: A Descriptive Study
Case Report:
The Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health (EJRH) is the official publication of the Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG). EJRH is an open access and peer-reviewed journal providing a vehicle for the publication of high quality original articles, case reports, review articles and commentaries covering the latest advances in reproductive health.
For a very deatiled information about our process, please read our Administrative and Editorial Policy .
ISSN 2520-0275 (Print)
ISSN 2520-0283 (Online)