Gynecololgic Cancers at a Tertiary Hospital at Teritiery Hospital in AddisAbaba, Ethiopia. A 5 years Review
Key words; Cervical cancer, Gynecologic cancer, EthiopiaAbstract
Back Ground Gynecologic cancers are an important cause cancer related of morbidity and mortality among women globally. The trend and incidence however varies according to different geographical settings and demographic differences. The main aim this study was to review the profile of gynecologic cancers managed at a Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College,
Methods: A retrospective chart review was done for all patients managed at the hospital from 2016 to 2020, The relevant information was retrieved from patient charts, and pathology reports, the data was entered and analyzed Using SPSS software version 24.
Result: A total of 768 Gynecologic cancer cases were seen at the hospital and 700 of them were analyzed, the rest were excluded because of chart incompleteness. The most common primary tumor origin was cervix 339 (48.35%) followed by ovarian 194 (27.67%), GTN 90 (12.8%), Uterine 46(6.56%), and vulvar 29(4.1%). Most patients with cervical cancer present with late stage with only 37.5 % were early stage and surgically operable and the median age was of 46 years. The majority of ovarian cancer patients present at advanced stage.
Conclusion cervical cancer emerges as the most common gynecologic cancer in women requiring admission, constituting a substantial cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality. Despite being preventable through effective screening programs, cervical cancer remains insufficiently addressed. Awareness creation for people from rural area is essential so that early heal seeking behavior will be established.